About Us

We support Ukraine!

Project Ukraine (EIN 881882921) was founded in March 2022 by Silicon Valley professionals who have cultural ties to Ukraine and want to see it thrive as a free and independent country. At Project Ukraine we assist the people of Ukraine by providing humanitarian and medical aid; supporting various social projects and charitable activities; and raising awareness about Ukraine worldwide.

Our Mission

We are fully committed to supporting Ukraine not only during the active phase of the war but also in its recovery efforts. As a small nonprofit organization our goal is to direct our resources to maximize the positive impact and to effectively benefit the people of Ukraine in its most urgent needs to date. At Project Ukraine 100% of the donations go directly to our cause.

Our Team

Alice Yagolnitser


Before moving to San Francisco in 2008 Alice was born and raised in Vladivostok, Russia. She graduated from GGU with Masters in Accountancy and spent 5 years at Deloitte San Francisco audit function, where she was an active volunteer and a member of various internal projects focused on giving back to the community.
Alice co-founded Project Ukraine in March 2022 after volunteering for almost a month at the Hungarian-Ukrainian border from the first days of the war, where she witnessed firsthand the struggle of Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and children. At Project Ukraine Alice coordinates humanitarian efforts, fundraising activities, and project selection and execution processes.

Lidiya Lukashova

Co-Founder and Advisor

Lidiya is from Donetsk, Ukraine. Since she moved to San Francisco in 2013, her hometown has never been far from her heart. Lidiya is an active board member of a wish-granting charitable organization in Ukraine dedicated to fulfilling the dreams of children with life-threatening illnesses.
Living on both continents and having diverse experiences as an employee, a consultant, and a startup entrepreneur gave her a deep understanding of people’s needs and expectations, as well as a laser-sharp focus on what truly matters. At Project Ukraine, Lidiya oversees compliance matters, where her skills and leadership are aligned with and strengthened by her passion and inner desire to help others.

Stan Yagolnitser

Co-Founder and Advisor

Stan was born in Chernivtsi, Ukraine and moved to San Francisco with his family in 1991. He holds a degree in Computer Science and works as Cloud Architect for one of the largest retail companies in the US.
At Project Ukraine Stan is advising on organizational matters and matters related to fund oversight requirements.


If you want to join the cause, see our projects