Ukrainian art

U.S. museums celebrate Ukrainian culture

U.S. museums across the country celebrate Ukrainian culture. 

This summer the U.S. museums across the country celebrate Ukrainian culture, history and art. 

The Ukrainian Museum in Manhattan highlights Ukrainian culture such as traditional pysanky (decorated Ukrainian Easter eggs), fine art including paintings and works on paper, and folk art such as rushnyky and other ceremonial textiles.

In Michigan, the Ukrainian American Archives and Museum showcases thousands of traditional Ukrainian artifacts — such as ceremonial clothing, decorative arts and wood carvings — acquired over the course of the second half of the 20th century.

The Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art in Chicago shows work by 20th- and 21st-century artists.

In Los Angeles The Ukrainian Culture Center serves as a meeting place for Ukrainian Americans in Southern California while also hosting art exhibits, concerts and film screenings.

The Ukrainian Museum and Library of Stamford, Connecticut, houses cultural objects and books, and is the oldest cultural institution established by Ukrainians in North America.

In Washington, D.C. The Ukraine House also hosts events and recently held an auction of works to raise funds to address the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

3 July, 2022 by U.S. Mission Italy for US Embassy

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